Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mayflower Marina

Mayflower Marina
Originally uploaded by ellenjohnrubicon
From our newest Ebbtide owner, Lee:

Well first blog is a whinge at the local Beta Marine agent. Having
bought the yacht whilst she was out of the water, I thought that
I'd save time ashore by paying to get the surveyors comments on the
engine all sorted. I have a Kubota 1505 with Beta marinisation

I decided I'd get my first engine service and thorough checkup by
the local Beta rep here in Plymouth, what a waste of £1000...

They have made so many mistakes and cockups that I will have to do
the entire job again myself, as I dont know how many other suprises
are waiting for me. With 20:20 hind sight, I should have done it
all myself in the first place...!

Top Tip to any yachtsman:
If you're in Plymouth, England, DO NOT use "Marine Wise" Beta Rep
to overhaul your engine. Just my opinion but the service and value
for money I received was very very poor, although they didn't
quibble about getting the saloon cushions cleaned after they
managed to get grease on them.

Well I'm looking forward to my first cruise from Plymouth to the
Med, via Paris....
More Blogs to follow,

Happy sailing



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